Chemical Cleaning

TES provides chemical cleaning services to help clients achieve commissioning and maintenance objectives. Perhaps you need to remove unwanted piping deposits to restore operating conditions. Perhaps you need to decontaminate towers and vessels in preparation for planned turnaround activities. TES will carefully plan these activities and follow through with safe and efficient field execution. Review the services below to learn how we can help you achieve goals.
Degassing and Decontamination
Do you need to LEL-free systems for man-entry during your maintenance turnaround? Do you need to decontaminate hydrocarbon systems for inspection and maintenance purposes? Do you need to deactivate pyrophoric iron sulfide to remove threat of fire and explosion? Technical Energy Solutions (TES) conducts vapour phase and liquid cleaning to remove hydrocarbons to enable safe vessel entry. Designed-for-purpose chemical is expertly applied to help you keep your turnaround on schedule.
TES will generate a project-specific engineered procedure combined with a risk assessment to enable safe and efficient field execution. By applying this methodical approach, TES helps you successfully decontaminate your process systems. As is customary for TES, parameters are monitored and verified utilizing calibrated instruments to drive safe and efficient operations.

Scale and Deposit Removal
Do you need to improve process throughput and reduce pressure loss? Do you need to pickle and passivate a new pipeline system before putting into service? Technical Energy Solutions (TES) conducts chemical cleaning to remove a wide range of deposits including those of organic and inorganic composition.
TES will generate a project-specific engineered procedure combined with a risk assessment to enable safe and efficient field execution. By applying this methodical approach, TES helps you remove foulant deposits from your process system. As is customary for TES, parameters are monitored and verified utilizing calibrated instruments to drive safe and efficient operations.